Flood Editions

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Red Mavis by Merrill Gilfillan

In new titles on January 9, 2014 at 9:36 pm


Red Mavis by Merrill Gilfillan

Now Available from Flood Editions

ISBN 978-0-9838893-7-3 $14.95

The red mavis, better known as the brown thrasher, sings a tireless improvised song, “varied . . . usually pleasing,” lambent with “the gladness of the open air.” In this volume, Merrill Gilfillan draws on casual rhymes and lost commonplaces, composing his poems en plein air. He ranges from the Carolina woods to the California coastline, and from “salted haikus” to prose meditations. Everywhere, his writing is marked by deftness, exuberance, and appetite: “Always hungry—Toujours / la faim as it reads on / the family crest.”

A Review of Pam Rehm

In new titles on January 2, 2014 at 4:20 pm


Pam Rehm’s The Larger Nature receives a review at Jacket2: “Pam Rehm is a poet whose work consistently abounds with a quiet intensity.” Read the full review here.