Flood Editions

Reaching Light: Selected Poems by Robert Adamson

In new titles, Uncategorized on June 25, 2020 at 8:15 pm


Reaching Light: Selected Poems by Robert Adamson

edited and with an introduction by Devin Johnston

Flood Editions ISBN 978-1-7332734-2-8 $19.95 USD / $39.95 AUD

Now available from Flood Editions, Small Press Distribution,

and John Reed Books in Australia

Reaching Light selects from five decades of work by one of Australia’s finest poets.

“Readers of Robert Adamson’s books will have understood that this distinguished man of letters and major poet is one of the most significant gifts that Australia can offer the rest of the world. Specifically, the gift comes from the Hawkesbury River, north of Sydney. This river that Adamson lives on, and from which everything is born, becomes in his work an archetypal water which everyone can relate to wherever they reside. From it he raises a universe. Adamson grows into the reader like a whole forest, slowly and deeply, like a whole nature. He deserves reading like you deserve breath.”—Nathaniel Tarn

“Could it possibly be close to forty years ago when Bob Creeley and Robert Duncan first brought back the news about an extraordinary young Australian poet? I’ve avidly followed Bob Adam-son’s work since those days, as he has probed the inner and outer landscapes of his environment with inspirited precision. ‘Praise life with broken words.’ Eye and ear, none better.” —Michael Palmer

Born in 1943, Robert Adamson lives with his partner, photographer Juno Gemes, on the Hawkesbury River to the north of Sydney in Australia. Over the past five decades he has produced twenty books of poetry. He has been awarded the Christopher Brennan Prize for lifetime achievement, the Patrick White Award, and The Age Book of the Year Award for The Goldfinches of Baghdad (Flood Editions, 2006). His most recent book is Net Needle (Flood Editions, 2015).

  1. […] Reaching Light: Selected Poems by Robert Adamson, edited and with an introduction by Devin Johnston, Flood Editions, 2020. https://floodeditions.wordpress.com/2020/06/25/reaching-light-selected-poems-by-robert-adamson/ […]

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